Pregnancy Testing

Pregnancy Testing

Even if you've taken an at-home pregnancy test, double check the results with our free, lab-quality pregnancy testing. Be certain.



Did you know a pregnancy test may not be enough? Ultrasound provides vital information to help determine your next step. Be confident.



Learn about all of your pregnancy options and the resources available before you make a decision. Be informed.

Post-Abortion Support

Post-Abortion Support

If you've experienced a previous abortion and now find yourself struggling emotionally, there is help and healing. Be comforted.

Get The Facts

Get The Facts

If you are wondering if you’re pregnant, we can help. Through free and confidential pregnancy testing and ultrasound, you can be confident before taking your next step. Are you considering abortion? It’s critical you get as much information as possible beforehand. Are you wondering if you have other options? You do! Confirm your pregnancy, talk privately about your situation, and trust us to care for you.

Get The Facts

Get The Facts

If you are wondering if you’re pregnant, we can help. Through free and confidential pregnancy testing and ultrasound, you can be confident before taking your next step. Are you considering abortion? It’s critical you get as much information as possible beforehand. Are you wondering if you have other options? You do! Confirm your pregnancy, talk privately about your situation, and trust us to care for you.

Abortion Information

You need factual information about abortion procedures and potential side effects and risks. Don't schedule an abortion without knowing what to expect.

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Other Options

An unplanned pregnancy is overwhelming, and in some cases, scary. Get as much information as possible about all your options. You might be surprised at what's available for you.

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What Are the Mental Health Effects of Abortion?

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Facing an unplanned pregnancy can lead to difficult decisions for some women. Some may want to be pregnant eventually but now might seem like the wrong time. Others feel that they have no support from family or their partner and will have to face parenthood alone. The burden can seem overwhelming.  If you have had

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What are the Different Types of Abortion?
What Are the Different Types of Abortion?

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If you are pregnant and thinking about abortion, there is information you need to know before proceeding. First, your options depend on how far along you are.  An ultrasound can give you the information you need to know what type of abortion is possible for you and whether you have a complication that would require

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What Are Signs of an Incomplete Abortion?

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One of the risks of both medical and surgical abortions is an incomplete abortion, which is when fetal or placental tissue remains in the uterus after the procedure. An incomplete abortion can lead to an infection if not treated soon enough. Keep reading to learn about the signs of an incomplete abortion and when to

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What Are the Risks of Abortion?
What Are The Risks of Abortion?

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There is no surgical procedure or medication that does not involve some risks. As proof, listen to the long list of side effects at the end of every new drug commercial.  The same is true for abortion. Whether it is a medical abortion or a surgical procedure, there are risks. Before you consider abortion, it’s

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Yes, I had an abortion

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Here is my story….. I grew up in a really bad environment. My mom and step dad were drunk nearly every single night. I remember my mom sneaking in to kiss me goodnight smelling like the bar and cough drops, trying to pretend we had a normal life. My step dad beat her almost to

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When only a song will do

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Sometimes you need silence, a voice, or even a song to console you. Each of these instruments can have a significant impact on your outlook at a given season of your life. Song has always touched at my heart strings. Lyrics, melody and rhythm all play into emotions. “You are mine” is a favorite song

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Unveiling love

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Welcome to our new brand for the Darke County Pregnancy Help Center. It’s been a long time coming makeover for the pregnancy center. We are so over the moon with our new brand and can’t wait to share, especially our new website! With a lot of prayer and love we bring you the center’s identity.

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