Many women struggle mentally and emotionally after having an abortion, but few talk about it out of fear of judgment or anxiety about how it will affect their relationships. But if you have had an abortion, it is important to let yourself walk through the emotions you are wrestling with. 

If considering an abortion, it’s important to understand the facts about the mental health risks abortion can have on women. Abortion may affect you mentally with things like depression or anxiety. Learn the facts today.

Are Mental Health Effects From Abortion Common?

Almost thirty years ago, the Journal of Social Issues dedicated an entire issue filled with contributions about the psychological effects of induced abortion. In conclusion of the issue, Editor Dr. Gregory Wilmoth said, “There is now virtually no disagreement among researchers that some women experience negative psychological reactions postabortion.”

The National Library of Medicine published research that “both sides agree that (a) abortion is consistently associated with elevated rates of mental illness compared to women without a history of abortion; (b) the abortion experience directly contributes to mental health problems for at least some women.”

Some women are more predisposed to having mental health problems after an abortion due to pressure from people in their circle, pre-existing mental health issues like anxiety and depression, or moral ethics that oppose abortion.

Common Signs of Mental Stress After an Abortion include:

  • Flashbacks
  • Sexual Dysfunction 
  • Self-harming behaviors like eating disorders or cutting. You may be punishing yourself subconsciously as a result of unprocessed guilt or shame
  • Knots in your stomach from lingering guilt you feel for violating your moral code
  • Nightmares about the abortion and what you experienced 
  • Difficulty sleeping 
  • Depression that leads to outbursts of crying, the inability to enjoy anything and even suicidal thoughts
  • Apathy and numbness toward everything
  • Preoccupation with becoming pregnant again
  • Difficulty bonding with your other children
  • Feeling uncomfortable around babies and pregnant women

We’re Here for You

If you have experienced an abortion, you need a healthy and safe place to process it. You are not the only woman to experience mental health effects after an abortion, and you may find healing in talking it out with someone who understands what you are going through.

If you need someone to talk to that you can trust, our caring mentors are available. Our team would love to be your listening ear. We have helped many women find hope and healing after an abortion, and we are here for you, too.

If you’re considering abortion and the mental health effects of it, we can provide you with more information on your pregnancy options and your pregnancy details so you can make an informed decision. 

Schedule a free and confidential appointment today. 

All abortion information sourced in this blog is based on accurate information at the time of writing.

We do not provide or refer for abortions.

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