When you find yourself unexpectedly pregnant, it can be a confusing time. You may have questions about your options.

If you think you might be pregnant, your first step should be to confirm your pregnancy.

At Darke County Pregnancy Help Center, our experienced medical team can provide you with a free lab-quality pregnancy test and ultrasound. Schedule an appointment today.

If you are pregnant, you have three options: parenting, abortion, and adoption. If you don’t feel like this is the right season for you to raise a child, you may wonder if abortion or adoption is best for you. 

Abortion: What’s Involved?

Abortion is the process of ending a pregnancy. The type of abortion you can have depends on how far along you are (your gestational age).

  1. Medical abortion

If you are ten weeks pregnant or less since the first day of your last period, you may consider a medical abortion. Also known as the abortion pill, it is two drugs taken in succession to end and expel a pregnancy.

  1. Surgical Abortion

One type of surgical abortion is a dilation & curettage abortion (D&C). In a D&C, surgical instruments and drugs dilate (open) the cervix, and an abortion provider uses a mixture of surgical tools and suction to remove the pregnancy and tissue.

As with any medical procedure, consider the risks and side effects before moving forward.

If you’re considering an abortion, you will want to ask yourself hard questions and think through how an abortion may impact you mentally and emotionally as well. 

For some, there is an immediate sense of relief. However, there is also a chance for grief to surface months or years later and an increased risk of mental health problems.

Adoption: What Does it Look Like?

Adoption is the process of carrying your pregnancy to term and then placing your child with an adoptive family. It’s also a challenging choice and one not to take lightly. 

In Ohio, you have rights as the birth mother. You can choose the family that will adopt your child and select if your adoption will be open (direct contact), semi-open (mediated contact through an adoption agency), or closed (no contact).

Adoption agencies carefully screen the families they work with so you can be confident your child will go to a safe home. We can provide referrals to qualified agencies in your area. 

Only You Can Decide

Only you can decide what you will choose for your pregnancy and future. 

As you explore the possibilities, Darke County Pregnancy Help Center can provide comprehensive information on all your options. We can answer your questions and assist you during this difficult time.
Let our caring team assist you! Contact us today.

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